What is Life Pro Vitamin C?
Everybody associates the vitamin C to products such as orange juice and to a series of benefits that improve general well-being, strengthening the defenses and fighting health problems such as colds, among other things. It is important to maintain adequate doses of vitamin C throughout the year, especially as autumn and winter approach.
All these properties are real and serve an important function; however, Life Pro Vitamin C 500mg comes to show that vitamin C is a compound that is more versatile than many people think. It provides the ideal amount in a concentrated form to enhance its many benefits within the body.
It supplies a valuable extra of vitamin C, one of the most important micronutrients for both general well-being and for the health of athletes.
Life Pro Vitamin C contains 500mg. of vitamin C in each dose. It is also available in 500mg capsules.
The benefits of Life Pro Vitamin C
- In the formation of colagene: vitamin C intervenes and acts as a cofactor for the synthesis of cholacute;gene, which is necessary for the proper maintenance of hair, skin, teeth, bones and joints.
- Improves the condition of bones and joints: vitamin C contributes to maintaining a correct state of the synovial fluid of the joints, as well as promotes healthy bones and protects tooth enamel.
- Improves the immune system: acts as an antioxidant within the body. It fights against free radicals.
- It helps prevent diseases and common colds.
- It intervenes in the synthesisof L-carnitine: vitamin C acts as a cofactor for the production of carnitine. Carnitine promotes the utilization and transport of fats within the cells to be used as a source of energy.
- It can help with fat loss.
- Favors the absorption of iron: vitamin C promotes the absorption of this mineral of vital importance to prevent diseases such as anemia, in the intestinal tract.
- Diminish the symptoms caused by anemia by improving the absorption of iron.
- Reduces cholesterol and the risk of cardiovascular disease: vitamin C can reduce the content of bad cholesterol by exerting an antioxidant effect on it. It prevents its accumulation. It can also help reduce heart-related diseases.
- Prevent aging: vitamin C can help slow the deterioration of all skin cells and other tissues.
- Decreases the levels of arich acid.
- It can help treat pain in people with arthritis.
- Vitamin C may be of vital importance for the correct development of neuronal tissue as well as its protection. Neurons need vitamin C to avoid free radicals and oxidative stress.
- In the healing of neuronal tissue
- The neurons need vitamin C to prevent free radicals and oxidative stress.
- In the healing of wounds and burns: as vitamin C contributes to the process of collagen, it promotes the healing of wounds as well as accelerating their healing.
- Allergies: vitamin C can help reduce mild symptoms caused by allergenic substances.
- Increases the feeling of energy and vitality: it contributes to energy metabolism and helps to avoid fatigue.
- Skin protection: protects the epidermis from sun radiation that can damage it.
How to use:
Take 1 capsule a day with breakfast with plenty of water. Exceeding the dose does not enhance the effects of vitamin C in the body, as it will be expelled in the urine.
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